Friday, October 24, 2008

1. Starting the process

I've been convinced by triple M that I should start blogging. I know bloggers...I read their stuff from time to time but I never really thought I'd get into doing it myself until m-squared convinced me that I might be on to something. So, here I go into the blogging world, not really concerned if what I say is important...or relevant to what's going on. I mean...I think of some weird shit sometimes, sometimes very thoughtful shit, but shit nonetheless. So, henceforth, my blogs will be about the thoughts I have while on the can.

The first thought that came to me since being convinced about this whole blogging thing is how am I going to present myself in an open venue for all to see without giving up my identity. you see....I get around. I know people. lots of people. and, I don't want *everyone* I know to know that this is where I get all my great ideas. I mean...I really need to have some semblance of decorum in my life, especially given what I do for a living. Which, will never be disclosed on this site. One of my rules. More to come in a few.

As I marinated on the idea of blogging from the can, I came to the conclusion that m-squared's suggestion of me being the "Masked Pooper" was really a great idea. So, I've figured out how to disguise myself as I post from the potty. You'll see that later.

Onto the the rules of my blog (self-imposed of course)

1. I will never disclose what I do for a living.
2. I will never use people's real names and will indicate when using a false name with Italics.
3. I will never publish any pictures of excrement in a toilet. I mean, come on...we all do it but
I'm not going to take a picture of *that*.
4. I'm not going to get into detail about the actual taking of a crap but may use it as a
springboard for another idea.
5. I will not sell your information to others for use. (always a nice disclaminer in any situation)

So, onto the blogging I go. I hope you enjoy.

All for now.

The Masked Pooper

1 comment:

mmm said...


I will add your blog to my google reader and look forward to the next poop-post.